Year 5 – Mrs Manton

Welcome to year 5 
Autumn 2020

Hello and welcome back!

I hope you have all had a lovely relaxing summer and ready for what the next school year brings! There are lots of changes this year. We are very happy to see that the children have returned to school with a very positive attitude, ready to learn.

Please see the letter attached on Facebook in regards to school procedures and finishing times. Upper Key stage 2 will finish at 2:45.

From next week the children will be expected to follow the usual Upper Key Stage 2 expectations.

  • Please help the children to become more independent, ensuring they have all the equipment they need.
  • Book bags and reading books/records are expected to be in school every day.
  • PE kits are to be in school and taken home weekly for washing.
  • Homework, times tables and spellings are sent out every Friday and are to be returned by the following Friday.
  • Reading – as a school we expect the children to read a few chapters at home every night with an adult. Children who don’t read at home will have to stay in during playtime until they are heard reading, this is to ensure they make up the time they have missed and help them make good progression.
  • Cooking – the children will be cooking every other with class teacher or TA. This will cost £2.50 per term per child. Please bring this to the class teacher (not the office).

The first class topic we are starting off with this year is Freedom


Please find below the email addresses of the year 5 and 6 class teachers.  If you would like to contact us by email then you are welcome to. Furthermore, if you would like information relevant to your child’s class emailing to you we can arrange a mailing list.

Year 5/6

Year 6

Year 5

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Singing and dancing

Singing and dancing

Last week, in music, we learnt about different types of rapping. We learnt how to sing The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. After that, we did some Topic work about Mountains, in particular, the different features; tree line, foot, snow line, summit/ peak, slope and ridge. In...

Reading, Running and bending the world

Reading, Running and bending the world

This week, in English, we had to re-write text non-chronological texts. In numeracy, we learned about the area of a shape and the perimeter of a 2-dimentional shape. In P.E we did some athletics, in particular, different ways of sprinting. Today we did some cooking;...



This week in SPAG we have learnt about nouns. Nouns are the names of objects, places or people. Proper nouns always have a capital letter. We have also been learning about place value in Numeracy. We learnt the difference between digits and numbers. Numbers are made...

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